The employer portal supports custom file mapping but also has two common formats available out of the box.
To help identify these quickly, use the following tips.
The SAFF has 3 header rows making it very distinctive. If you open it in notepad or text pad, you can quickly identify it.
Row 1 will start with "VERSION"
Row 2 will start with "LINE ID"
Row 3 will start with "ID"
The SuperChoice portal has a number of ways to determine whether a file is a SAFF or not. Even if there are spelling mistakes in the headers, the portal should still be able to handle the file but it will be detected as "SAFF POSITIONAL"
The ATO has a great resource of the SAFF here
Quicksuper Format
The Quicksuper format is not as distinct as the SAFF but can still be identified by checking for a few things in notepad or textpad.
The Quicksuper format has a single header row that begins with "Your File Reference"
At the very end of the file in the last field, the value will be "Your Contribution Reference"
An additional giveaway with the Quicksuper format is the lack of unique fund identifier fields which does make it harder to use where the employer submits for APRA funds and SMSFs. The only fields provided are Fund ID and Fund Name.
The portal is configured to detect an ABN in the Fund ID field and map it to the Superstream ABN field. All non ABN values in the Fund ID field will be mapped to the Superstream USI field to enable fund matching.
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