The bulk change step during file upload will be presented when Product and Category change exceptions affect more than one member in the file.
While uploading a file that contains a bulk change you have two options:
1. If you elect to go ahead with a bulk change -> click the ‘Update Members’ or 'Create Members' button.
The portal executes the bulk change and then brings you back to this screen or automatically moves to the next wizard step (depending on whether there are any other unresolved bulk change notifications).
This continues until you have executed all the bulk changes necessary.
Note the order you choose to complete bulk changes doesn’t matter as they are treated independently.
2. If you have completed all the necessary bulk changes or elect to skip making bulk changes -> click the ‘Next’ button.
This will move you to the next screen where you may view the individual key data change exceptions.
If you press next to bypass the bulk change notifications, you cannot return to this screen. Please ensure you are happy with your bulk changes before hitting ‘Next’.
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